

Na osnovu člana 148a Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o zdravstvenoj zaštitii zdravstvenom osiguranju („Sl.list RCG“, br.27 od 29. jula 1994. godine), dato je pravo zdravstvenim radnicima sa visokom stručnom spremom (doktori medicine i doktori stomatologije) da osnivaju Ljekarsku komoru radi zaštite i unapređenja stručnosti, medicinske etike, podizanja kvaliteta zdravstvene zaštite kao i zaštite profesionalnih interesa, sa pravima i obaveza utvrđenim zakonom i Statutom Komore.

Osnivačka Skupština Ljekarske komore Crne Gore održana je dana 20. juna 1995. godine.

Skupština je izabrala predsjednika Skupštine Ljekarske komore Crne Gore dr Bogdana Lauševića iz Pljevalja.

Na drugoj Skupštini Ljekarske komore Crne Gore,08. maja 1996. godine, izabran je prvi predsjednik Ljekarske komore Crne Gore,dr Đoko Jočić iz Podgorice.

Od 25. aprila 2021. godine predsjednik Ljekarske komore Crne Gore je dr Žanka Cerović.


Pursuant to Article 148a of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Health Care and Health Insurance (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro”, No. 27, 29. July 1994.),the right was granted to medical professionals with high degree ( medical doctors and doctors of dentistry ) to establish the Medical Chamber because of the protection and improvement of professionalism, medical ethics, raising the quality of health care, as well as protection of profesional interests, with the rights and obligations established by the law and the chamber’s Statute.

The founding Assembly of the Medical Chamber of Montenegro was held on July 20. 1995.

The Assembly elected dr Bogdan Laušević from Pljevlja as President of the Assembly of the Medical Chamber of Montenegro.

On the second Assembly of the Medical Chamber of Montenegro on May 8. 1996., the first president of the Medical Chamber of Montenegro, dr Đoko Jočić from Podgorica, was elected.

Since april 25.2021. the president of the Medical Chamber of Montenegro is dr Žanka Cerović.